Want an Easier Way to Teach Chemistry?
Learnings, teachings, tips & tricks for teachers to reference when you’ve heard “I don’t get it.” and “Where do those numbers come from?” 327 times a day. After implementing these ideas, you’ll get fewer mind numbing questions and see a lot more “Aha!” moments.
How to Teach Atomic Number and Atomic Mass (So Students Remember it) (Copy)
Is there a fun way to teach students how to find protons, neutrons, and electrons from atomic mass and mass numbers? Yes. In this post you’ll learn a few strategies for making this easy to learn.
How to Teach the Difference in Protons, Neutrons and Electrons
Is there a fun way to teach students how to find protons, neutrons, and electrons from atomic mass and mass numbers? Yes. In this post you’ll learn a few strategies for making this easy to learn.
How Does Changing Numbers of Subatomic Particles Effect the Atom?
Losing an electron vs losing a proton will have two different effects on the atom. As teachers, we ask variations of this question on our chemistry tests, but going over the details will help your chemistry students.
How to Teach Finding Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in an Element
How do you teach finding protons, neutrons, and electrons in an element?
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